
TASK 7 : Parallel Structure Part I 1. San Francisco has a pleasant climate,___________ and many fascinating neighborhoods. A. exciting scenery, B. has exciting scenery C. that the scenery is exciting D. the scenery is exciting, 2. Insects provide many beneficial services, such as ______ , breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants. A. they condition soils B. to condition soil C. conditioning the soil D. soil conditioned 3. Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers, ______ , or spray guns. A. brushes B. brushes can be used C. with brushes D. by brush 4. The use of labor-saving devices in homes, _________, and factories added to the amount of leisure time people had. A. at an office B. used in offices C. offices D. in offices 5.  Roger Williams was a clergyman, ______ the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom. A. founded B. the founder of C. was the founder of D. he founded
TASK 6: Make Verbs Agree After Prepositional Phrase 1. Dynamite is ordinarily detonated ______ called a blasting cap. A. a device is used B. that a device C. with a device D. the use of a device 2. __________ 1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the United States, and they produced over a million bicycles. A. In B. Because in C. It was in D. That in 3. A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even ______ coldest water. A. although the B. in the C. the D. of the 4. _______________ the United States, the general movement of air masses is from west to east. A. Across B. To cross C. They cross D. It's across B. in the 5. The bark of a tree thickens__________. A. with age B. it gets older C. as older D. by age 6. A substance that is harmless to a person who has no allergies can cause mild to serious reactions in a person____________allergies. A. has B. which having C. can have D. with 7. In 1886 a number of national unions forme
TASK 1: INCOMPLETE INDEPENDENT CLAUSES PART I Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences. 1. In the United States, ________ is generally the responsibility of municipal governments. (A) for water treatment (B) water treatment (C) where water treatment (D) in which water treatment answer: ____B___ 2. Crop rotation _________ of preserving soil fertility. (A) it is one method (B) one method (C) a method is one (D) is one method answer: ___D____ 3. ___________ the dollar as its monetary unit in 1878. (A) Canada adopted (B) Adopted by Canada, (C) It was adopted by Canada (D) The Canadian adoption of answer: ___A____ 4. __________ almost impossible to capture the beauty of the aurora borealis in photographs. (A) Being (B) His (C) There is (D) Is answer: ___B____ 5. Usually, political cartoons ______ on the editorial page of a newspaper. (A) appear (B) whose appearance (C) by appearing
TASK 3: INCOMPLETE INDEPENDENT CLAUSES PART 3 Directions: Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences. 1. When bats are at rest, ______ hang upside-down. (A) they (B) and (C) to (D) as Answer: ___A___ 2. _________ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia. (A) In 1790 was (B) There was in 1790 (C) In 1790 (D) It was in 1790 Answer: ___D___ 3. Although not as important as they once were, ______ a major form of transportation in North America. (A) there are still railroads (B) railroads, which are still (C) railroads are still (D) railroads still being Answer: ___C___ 4. The Loop, which is the commercial heart of Chicago, ______ within a rectangular loop of elevated train tracks. (A) that is enclosed (B) enclosing it (C) is enclosed (D) enclosed Answer: ___C___ 5. ________ amino acids that serve as the basic building blocks of all proteins. (A) About tw
TASK 5: ADVERB CLAUSES 1. ___________ they are tropical birds, parrots can live in temperate or even cold climates. A. Despite B. Even though C. Nevertheless D. But 2. Natural silk is still highly prized _______ similar artificial fabrics. A. although is available B. despite there are available C. in spite of the availability of D. even though an availability of 3. The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members, ______ appointments are subject to Senate approval. A. their B. with their C. because their D. but their 4. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ______. A. not wanting the story in the papers B. the story in the papers the superintenddn did not want C. the public to hear the story D. the superintendent did not want the story in the papers 5. __________ towards shore, its shape is changed by its collision with the shallow sea bottom. A. During a wave rolls B. As a wave rolls C. A wave rolls D. A wave's
TASK 6: Make Verbs Agree After Prepositional Phrase 1. Dynamite is ordinarily detonated ______ called a blasting cap. A. a device is used B. that a device C. with a device D. the use of a device 2. __________ 1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the United States, and they produced over a million bicycles. A. In B. Because in C. It was in D. That in 3. A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even ______ coldest water. A. although the B. in the C. the D. of the 4. _______________ the United States, the general movement of air masses is from west to east. A. Across B. To cross C. They cross D. It's across B. in the 5. The bark of a tree thickens__________. A. with age B. it gets older C. as older D. by age 6. A substance that is harmless to a person who has no allergies can cause mild to serious reactions in a person____________allergies. A. has B. which having C. can have D. with 7. In 1886 a number of national unions forme
Sistem Informasi Perbankan VC1 : Pengenalan Bank Soal.  1.  Sebutkan tiga definisi Bank yang Anda ketahui dan sebutkan sumbernya.  2.  Jelaskan perbedaan BPR dan Bank Umum, sebutkan 2 contoh untuk masing-masing jenis  Bank, termasuk jenis kantor bank apa, dan kegiatan pada Bank tersebut. Jawaban : 1.  -  Menurut Undang-undang RI nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tanggal 10 November 1998 tentang Perbankan (pasal 1 ayat 2) Bank adalah sebuah badan usaha yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit dan atau bentuk-bentuk lain dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup orang banyak. -  Menurut Undang-undang RI nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tanggal 10 November 1998 tentang Perbankan (pasal 1 ayat 3) Definisi Bank umum adalah bank yang melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan konvensional maupun secara syariah dalam kegiatannya memberikan jasa keuangan dalam lalu lintas pembayaran. -  Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PS