Directions: Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences.

1. When bats are at rest, ______ hang upside-down.
(A) they
(B) and
(C) to
(D) as
Answer: ___A___

2. _________ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia.
(A) In 1790 was
(B) There was in 1790
(C) In 1790
(D) It was in 1790
Answer: ___D___

3. Although not as important as they once were, ______ a major form of transportation in North America.
(A) there are still railroads
(B) railroads, which are still
(C) railroads are still
(D) railroads still being
Answer: ___C___

4. The Loop, which is the commercial heart of Chicago, ______ within a rectangular loop of elevated train tracks.
(A) that is enclosed
(B) enclosing it
(C) is enclosed
(D) enclosed
Answer: ___C___

5. ________ amino acids that serve as the basic building blocks of all proteins.
(A) About twenty
(B) For about twenty of
(C) About twenty are
(D) There are about twenty
Answer: ___D___

6. If a person does not have an attorney, the court _______ one.
(A) will appoint
(B) appointed
(C) would appoint
(D) appointing
Answer: ___C___

7. _________ the eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the United States.
(A) It is generally accepted that
(B) That it is accepted
(C) Accepting that it is
(D) That is accepted
Answer: ___A____

8. On the average, a healthy heart _________ to pump five tablespoons of blood with every beat.
(A) must
(B) ought
(C) can
(D) should
Answer: ___C_____

9. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a new piece of technology significantly.
(A) will decreased
(B) has decreased
(C) will have decreased
(D) will has decreased
Answer: ___A_____

10. If gasoline vapor with air, combustion will occur.
(A) Mixed
(B) had mixed
(C) mixes
(D) mixture
Answer: ____C____


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